Results and Achievements
The Portuguese patent (PT118443B) entitled “Métodos implementados por computador para a verificação da existência de um elemento ótico difrativo variável disposto numa superfície de um objeto, programas de computador e meios de leitura relacionados”, whose registrants are INCM and the Institute of Systems and Robotic – Coimbra, and whose technology was invented and developed by VisTeam, was published by the Portuguese INPI (National Institute of Intelectual Property) with date of January 16th, 2025.
This invention introduces a method for verifying a Variable Diffractive Optical Element (EODV) on a security element using image processing. The security element may contain a QR code or a logo. The method involves converting RGB images to HSV, calculating structural similarity and color transition indices to classify an EODV or a non-EODV.
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Institute of Systems and Robotics Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering University of Coimbra