Archives: News

CVPR2024 publication on Morphing of Face Images

News: Scientific Events

Best Extended Abstract Award at LATINX – CVPR2024 workshop

News: Results and Achievements

StampOne presented at the CVPR 2024 Workshop on Media Forensics

News: Scientific Events

Nuno Gonçalves participates in an event “How Can Artificial Intelligence Foster Open Innovation”

News: Dissemination

Nuno Gonçalves participates in a Dinner-Debate organized by Grémio Lusitano

News: Dissemination

Nuno Gonçalves participates at PhD jury at University of Coimbra

News: Scientific Events

Carla Guerra defends PhD thesis
Nuno Gonçalves moderated the Meet-On “A resposta dos partidos aos desafios da inteligência artificial”

News: Dissemination

Best poster award

News: Results and Achievements

Nuno Gonçalves participated in the conference “Regulação da IA: Como podem guiar-se as Organizações”

News: Dissemination

Institute of Systems and Robotics Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering University of Coimbra