UniqueMark® and UniQode® Glitter patent published
The European patent (EP3810432), entitled “A Method For Providing An Object With A Unique Mark”, whose registrants are INCM and the University of Coimbra, and whose technology was invented and developed by VisTeam, was published by the European Patent Office with date 25/sep/2024.
This invention presents a solution to mark objects or to create a unique identity based on the apposition of glitter particles in a stamp. The applications are immense being some examples the assay marking of precious metal artifacts or the creation of unique tax stamps or anti-counterfeiting and brand protection labels. This main innovation presented by this patent is the ability to create unicity for each marking instantiation. The marking process with particles creates a PUF – Physically Unclonable Function, unable to be reproduced or exactly replicated, ending up in a unique identity. One object, one identity.
For more details, please read the official patent page (also here).