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MD Thesis
Filipe Simões
This study analyzes different scoring models to increase efficiency in lead management. The area of study is the restaurant industry, specifically restaurants in Coimbra and it’s peripheral municipalities. For these, we constructed a simulator platform to simulate the selection and forward of clients, who intend to go to a restaurant with specific characteristics. To make this study possible, we created one virtual scenario, with clients and restaurants which are both registered at the platform. The scoring models developed and tested in this study analyze the restaurants and not the clients. The analysis attempts to understand which are the main attributes of the restaurants and what are their importance in the client’s decision to go to the restaurant. The main objective of this study is to find scoring models that increase the restaurants conversion rate. For the study of these models we developed three types of test. The first test has the purpose to identify the models where the number of conversions is higher, and from that, conclude which attributes contribute positively to the increase of the conversion rate. The second test has been analyzed the behavior of new restaurants along the time. Finally the last test analyzed three restaurants with different conversion rates (low, medium and high), in order to study the progress of their conversion rates throughout the simulation. From the results, it was demonstrated that each attribute determines a different result in conversion rate, ie, the attributes affect differently the number of conversions. We can also conclude that the scoring models can cause an increase in the number of conversions. This demonstrates that in fact, the scoring models can improve efficiency in lead management.
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