Farhad Shadmand

Current Member

Degree: Master

Academic Role: PhD Student

Farhad is a researcher in VisTeam and a PhD student at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon. He is researching in area of Natural Language processing and deep learning to modelling News and Tweets for the market. He studied advance statistical physics in bachelor and in master, He studied complex system at department of Physics.

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StampOne: Addressing Frequency Balance in Printer-proof Steganography

Authors: Farhad Shadmand, Iurii Medvedev, Luiz Schirmer, João Marcos and Nuno Gonçalves
Featured in: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Young Labeled Faces in the Wild (YLFW): A Dataset for Children Faces Recognition

Authors: Iurii Medveved, Farhad Shadmand and Nuno Gonçalves
Featured in: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)

Steganography Applications of StyleGAN: A Short Analytical Investigation from Hiding Message in Face Image

Authors: Farhad Shadmand, Luiz Schirmer and Nuno Gonçalves

MorDeephy: Face Morphing Detection via Fused Classification

Authors: Iurii Medvedev, Farhad Shadmand and Nuno Gonçalves
Featured in: 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Application and Methods, Lisbon, Portugal.

CodeFace: a deep learning printer-proofsteganography for Face Portraits

Authors: Farhad Shadmand, Iurii Medvedev and Nuno Gonçalves
Featured in: IEEE Access, 2021

Towards Facial Biometrics for ID Document Validation in Mobile Devices

Authors: Iurii Medvedev, Farhad Shadmand, Leandro Cruz and Nuno Gonçalves
Featured in: Applied Sciences, 2021

Systems for encoding, decoding and validing the integrity of a security document with a steeganography encoded image and methods, security document, computer devices, computer programs and associated reading media

Authors: Nuno Gonçalves and Farhad Shadmand
Featured in: Applicants: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda and University of Coimbra
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The new weapons against falsification
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VISUAL-ID – Unique Visual Identities in Graphics, Images and Faces


A Study on Static Gaits for a Four Legged Robot

Authors: Carlos Queiroz, Nuno Gonçalves and Paulo Menezes
Featured in: CONTROL’2000, Cambridge, UK

Analysis of Two Methods for Estimation of Partial 3D Velocity

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Featured in: Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS2001, Toulouse, France

Uncertainty Propagation in Estimation of Partial 3D Velocity

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Institute of Systems and Robotics Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering University of Coimbra